Check out some great work from Pat McKay.
PM: [ … ]
WS: So that was my next question: How important is the finish? Do you think sketches can be enough? Or do you think you have to show finished ads?
PM: Yeah it’s a funny thing. Obviously we would be able to see an idea off a sketch. But in a way, the people who get away with doing sketches are when you’re in a situation where your work kind of precedes you, that people know enough about how you work and what you’ve done. After you’ve worked in an agency for a while, and they get to know you, you can sketch out an idea and they can see what the idea is, and they kind of know the process you’ll go through from there. But when you’re a student, your work doesn’t precede you. That is your work. That sketch is your work. So if it’s a good idea, that’s fine but it’s just like, face it, there are just so many books out there that have good ideas and are really tight, execution-wise. So you should really try to avoid doing sketches.
But, that being said, if you have good ideas, I wouldn’t be afraid. It’s going to be hard to get a job on sketches—really hard—but you can get some great feedback on sketches and it can be part of the process. I wouldn’t be afraid to take sketches and put them in front of smart people that you would like advice from.