WS: What do you look for in a student book? And what impresses you?
DL: First of all, I am a “website” person, not a “book” person. Some people are still romantic about books. I am not. I like a site because not only do “ideas” have to come across clearly, concisely, and profoundly to transmit through that medium—as it is less tactile and emotional—but it really does ultimately become extremely poignant and engaging if the ideas are strong and, of course, that is the most important thing. Some may argue that the tactility of a hard portfolio cannot be beaten, but the fact is, we must understand and accept that the digital page is the current focus and the future. The publishing world is equally substantiating that as they go full-speed online. It also gives those who do not have as much digital experience an opportunity to express themselves in this medium and to show their skills in creating a user-friendly experience as well as their creativity.
Beyond the ideas, it will be the formation and character of presentation. It’s individuality, it’s craft, it’s fluidity, and it’s simplicity. It has to blend both your vision of who you are, whether by means of its craft or by means of its aura and impression tonally, with the power of the work. But, at the end of the day, you need to make it easy work for the recipient. If it is hard work, you will be passed over.
And, last of all, no segregation. I look for the power of ideas in its ability to reign across all platforms without compartmentalizing them. It should be unified, natural, and simply an assumed part of the creative process of engagement.